Answers to FAQs

If you are using Excel to complete Assignment 1 and want
to know how to insert a text (non-calculating) formula
or other mathematical statement, try the following:

1) from the menu bar, select "insert"

2) select "Object..."

3) on the "Create New" tab (default), select "Microsoft
Equation 3.0" (click OK)

4) a text box will appear along with a "Equation"
bar/window containing a variety of mathematical symbols

5) click on the type of object you wish to insert...the
outlined or shaded rectangle with each object is where
you will type your variable(s) or number(s)

6) once you select an object, it'll appear in the text
box and allow you to enter your variable(s)

7) use the tab key to exit the entry'll have
to play around with this to familiarize yourself with
the process

8) when you're done, click out of the text box to return
to Excel...a rectangle with your entry will remain

9) right click on the box and choose "Format Object..."

10) if you don't want the outline of the box, select the
"Colors and Lines" tab, select "No Line" on the drop
down for "Color:" under "Line"

11) you'll be able to drag and place the box anywhere on
your spreadsheet/document and it will remain in place
only if you select the "Properties" tab and choose "Move
and size with cells"...if someone has a better way,
please let me know...

12) if you don't do #11, your text box(es) will shift to
the left side of your document if you preview your
document then return to your spreadsheet

I hope this helps.  Send me questions and I'll try to
make up an answer.  :-)  (by Spencer, 8/29/05)
Go to Graphs on the menu bar.  Select "Interactive",
then select "Scatterplot...".  On the Assign Variables
tab, click and drag [x] to the second blank (the
x-axis), then click and drag [y] to the first blank (the
y-axis).  On the Fit tab, choose Regression from the
drop down menu in the Method section, don't select
anything in Prediction Lines section, then choose Total
in the Fit Lines For section.  Click OK.  This will
produce a scatterplot with the regression line,
regression equation and R-square value. (by Spencer, 8/30/05,SPSS v.12)