Useful URL

List of Instructional Modules from NCME

GSU Dissertations after 2004

Dr. Rudner's IRT Page

Sage Publications (You can get PDFs for journal articles in Applied Psychological Measurement)

Free spreadsheet for classical item analysis  

Software for IRT analyses

University of Alberta, Centre for Research in Applied Measurement and Evaluation (Dr. Mark Gierl)

Windows only, (Free student version - limited to max of 25 items and max of 1000 persons, Free 15 days trial for the full version)

Software (SAS, etc.) available for GSU faculty, staff, and students (SAS free for GSU students)

Camtasia: Screen Recording and Video Editing for Anyone (30 days free trial)

Programs in Educational Measurement: providing listings of graduate programs in educational measurement

What is the difference between the 1PL model and the Rasch Model?

SAS vs. R

BILOG-MG3 free trial

R Packages